offers from Iceland:
(Common Dab wr ( limanda limanda),halibut,Whole round American Plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides ,Whole round Skate Raja radiata
Wolffish heads +/- 1 kg Anarhichas lupus ,Spotted Wolffish heads +/- 1,5 kg Anarhichas minor Wolffish Anarhichas minor and spotted wolfish Anarhichas minor collarbones
Northern Wolffish Anarhichas denticulatus headed or whole 2 kg +,Whole Round Redfish Sebastes Viviparus W/R 100-300 g average
Cod Gadus morhua Stomach , turned and cleaned 15 cm + ,Cod Gadus morhua Maw , frozen ,Cod Gadus morhua liver , frozen at -35°c
Herring Clupea Harengus ungraded 250g + , 300g + 350g+,Mackerel Scomber scombrus,dogfish,different fish heads etc)